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As a church, we open our doors, hearts, and hands to the city of Bellflower and LA County. We are a multi-ethnic and multi-generational church committed to unity and peace. Our staff, servant leaders, and volunteers are committed to sharing the love of Christ to every person they encounter. We each bring unique passions and gifts to the table and prayerfully seek God's guidance, the counsel of saints, and the leading of the Holy Spirit in our actions as a church.


In everything that we do, word or deed, we aim to please our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Who We Are

Our Vision

To be a multi-ethnic and multi-generational people of God who bring spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical healing through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the city of Bellflower and LA County. Our motto is: We will not be shaken!

Our Mission

We seek to accomplish this mission by: Centering ourselves on the gospel of Jesus Christ, Comforting the broken and Serving those in need.


It all began in May 1927 with eight young men who gathered for a Sunday School Class. Their services were held at a house on Ardmore Street. These men were faithful to the call God placed on their lives and did not despise humble beginnings.


Fast forward to today, we are a growing church committed to serving the city of Bellflower. We are passionate about reaching the lost, building community, and using our gifts for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Our Beginning

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